Hey there, savvy sellers! Ready to dive into the world of equipment sales transactions? Whether you’re a business mogul upgrading gear or just cleaning out the garage, we’ve got your back. Let’s review some easy-breezy tips to ensure your selling journey is smooth, safe, and fair… and most importantly you get your money.

  1. Buddy up with Dealers:

Thinking about selling to a dealer? They’re like the superheroes of hassle-free transactions. Dealers take care of paperwork, emphasize top-notch service, and make your life easier for all parties. Sure, selling on your own might fetch a bit more cash, but dealers bring the reliability and efficiency you crave.

  1. Dodge the Scam Wave:

The internet is awesome for selling stuff, but it’s also a playground for scammers. No worries, though – arm yourself with a killer equipment listing that doesn’t ring scammy alarms. Double-check your buyer’s info, and keep those sensitive details on lockdown. And hey, spill the beans on your equipment’s history upfront in the listing description – it scares off scammers and keeps things crystal clear for all potential buyers.

  1. Know Your Buyer, Not Just Their Name:

Selling directly? Awesome! Get to know your buyer beyond just their name. Meet up in person at a chill (safe) spot, let them give your equipment a once-over, and shoot the breeze about your gear. Record everything, from their favorite color to the quirks of your equipment. Easy communication means no messy misunderstandings down the road. Expectations are set and there are no surprises.

  1. Money Matters – Keep It Secure:

Online marketplaces are cool (hey we are one 😉) but let’s talk money. Check in with your bank buddies for tips on handling payments. They might throw around words like IDs, credit history, and proof of income – don’t worry, it’s just to keep everything snug. Consider digital transactions for an extra layer of security. And those cashier’s checks? Watch out for counterfeit tricks! What once was considered foolproof is now falling a victim to fraud (i.e. DRAFT Payments).

  1. Stay in the Loop:

You’ve nailed the payment, but we’re not done yet. Check back with your bank buddies to double-check everything’s groovy  and by this I mean the payment went through. Don’t hand over your equipment until the cash is in your hands. Paperwork? Yeah, snap some pics, keep records, and make sure your gear is all accounted for.. don’t forget the bill of sale and ownership.


Alright, champs, there you have it – a quick and breezy guide to selling equipment like a pro. Remember, safety and fairness are your trusty sidekicks in this game. Follow these tips, keep it chill, and let the selling adventures begin!

List Your Equipment For Sale Here

Read More: Steps to Selling Heavy Equipment Online to Ensure a Quick Sale

Photo credit: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-couple-buying-things-for-new-house-online-using-laptop-4247721/